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Press Release 2/13/18

Zach Throne                                                                                                                                                                          For Immediate Release: 2/13/2018

Just a Skosh Productions LLC




                                                    Just A Skosh Productions LLC Launches Crowdfunding for First Feature Film


Columbus, OH:  Today, Just A Skosh Productions LLC (aka JASP), a new film company based in Columbus, OH, announces that they have begun a crowdfunding campaign for their feature film debut: Cadia.  The campaign was launched 5 days ago, and the campaign has already raised $775 out of its $10k goal.


In response to JASP’s recent successful launch, JASP Creative Director and Cadia Director Cedric Gegel, said, “I am humbled and excited that the local art community is supporting this film. Cadia's cast and crew is made up of over 70% Ohioans; This is a film of and for Ohio.”


To build this strong support, JASP is working alongside From the Heart Productions, a fiscal sponsorship company dedicated to helping independent filmmakers get their films funded, and John Trigonis, a Creative Campaign Strategist with Indiegogo.


Cadia is the story of Matthew, David, and Renee Addams, three fourteen-year-olds whose journey into a mystical realm teaches them about grace, love, doubt, and the nature of good versus evil. Cadia is a film that provides hope and encourages philosophical discussion on how we interact with the world around us. Cadia is an adventure that will get people to believe in each other and in the world again


About Just A Skosh Productions LLC: Just A Skosh Productions LLC, is a film company based in Columbus OH.  Founded in 2017, JASP’s vision is to be a fully functional film production company that serves as an industry leader for the entertainment business in the Midwest by creating thought-provoking, engaging, and enjoyable films for all ages, and to support Midwest talent in the film industry.  Recently, JASP was awarded “Special Mention” in the “Best Short Film” category at the One-Reeler Short Film Competition in Los Angeles, California and was an official selection in the COPA Shorts Film Festival in Maricopa, Arizona for its short film “A Light On.”

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